How to Make Bleached Hair Soft and Silky

beautiful, silky blonde hair

When people hear the term bleached hair, they often think of blonde hair. In reality, there are few instances where changing your hair color can be done without some amount of bleaching – especially if your natural color is dark. So whether you’re flaunting platinum, copper, or pastel pink, we have the tips to keep your bleached hair healthy and silky soft.

Why is My Bleached Hair So Dry?

Bleached hair can become dry and more easily damaged than natural hair, but why? This is because bleach strips your hair’s cuticle, the protective barrier on your hair that keeps moisture in and potential damage out. Water then enters and leaves the hair more quickly, resulting in brittle hair that struggles to retain moisture. Luckily, we know how to make bleached hair soft and silky, so let’s dive into identifying bleach damage and bleached hair repair.

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...bleach strips your hair's cuticle, the protective barrier on your hair that keeps moisture in and potential damage out.

What Does Bleach-Damaged Hair Look Like?

If you find yourself fighting off frizz post-salon day, you’re probably up against bleach damage. Other telltale signs of damage include split ends or dull strands that are easily tangled. Frizzy bleached hair can even remain dry after conditioner, hair masks, and other moisturizing treatments. But don’t let this kill your new hair high. We have some tips that could make your bad hair days a thing of the past.

How to Make Bleached Hair Soft and Silky

Healthy hair is hydrated hair. It really is that simple. Getting your hair to stay hydrated can take a little time and patience. So follow these tips, and you’ll be admiring your soft, silky hair in no time.

1. Add Oil

Oil is a great way to add moisture to your hair care routine. Oils can actually penetrate the hair follicle and work to repair it on a long-term basis. Massage a few drops of castor, argan, or coconut oil from your roots to your tips before you shampoo. 

2. Try Protein Treatments

Bleaching breaks down your hair’s proteins, but luckily, there are protein treatments to help nourish and strengthen bleach-damaged hair. Look for products containing keratin or collagen for extra strength bond repair.

3. Use Deep Conditioner

Another great way to bring moisture to distressed strands is with a deep conditioner. This can strengthen damaged hair and restore a healthy shine. Use 1-2 times a week for an extra boost in your repair routine.

4. Avoid Sun and Chlorine

This one may come as a blow, but it shouldn’t come as a surprise. The sun and chlorine dry out your hair while adding unwanted brassy tones to bleached hair. Grab a sun hat and only stick your feet in to keep your hair healthy.

5. Say Yes to Serum

Oils and serums often get confused, but where oils penetrate the hair shaft and focus on long-term repair, serums offer a protective barrier and work from the outside in. A great multitasker, serums tame frizz and protect from heat and humidity while adding shine.

6. Steer Clear of Heat

Styling tools might give you the desired look at the moment, but frequent use can leave you with dry, damaged hair. Try gentle, heat-free hairstyles to protect your bleached hair, and if you must use heat tools, always use a heat protectant first.

7. Wash Less

Overwashing robs your hair of its natural oils, leading to dryness, breakage, and premature loss of color. To maintain healthy bleached hair, slowly increase the time between shampoos. Don’t be afraid to break out the shower cap if you are a daily showerer.

Overwashing robs your hair of its natural oils, leading to dryness, breakage, and premature loss of color.

8. Comb After Washing

Wet hair is fragile, and yanking a brush through wet hair is a recipe for breakage and hair loss. Instead, opt for a gentle, wide-toothed comb to remove tangles, and skip the rough brush.

9. Opt for Cool Water

Like the sun and heat tools, hot water also dries and is thus damaging. Cool water is best to protect fragile bleached hair–or any hair for that matter. If you love blazing hot showers, this is another time to use the trusty shower cap.

10. Apply Hair Masks

Who doesn’t love a little spa day at home? A hair mask is a great way to revive your hair and spirits. They contain various ingredients to strengthen, protect, and rejuvenate tired tresses. Some even offer blonde-brightening and color-specific enhancements.

Tips for Bleached Hair Repair

Minor adjustments to your mindset and lifestyle can also help repair bleached hair.

  • Be Patient and Realistic. Unfortunately, damaged hair does not bounce back right away. Be wary of “quick fix” claims, as constant touching and heavy treatments can actually cause more harm than good. Give your hair some grace and embrace the progress–it’ll yield better results in the end!
  • Consult With an Expert. Professionals can help you through every step of your hair transformation journey. They are experienced in recognizing the signs of bleach-damaged hair and what to do for your specific hair type.
  • Eat Your Vitamins. Not only can they benefit your overall health, but many vitamins can also benefit your hair health–biotin, iron, vitamin C, and D, to name a few. It is also important to note that you should always consult your doctor before starting any vitamin supplements.
  • Strengthen Your Diet. A healthy body does serious favors to your hair health. Try adding protein, omega-3 fatty acids, melanin, selenium, and iron to your diet for silky, healthy hair.

Although bleach-damaged hair can be a real source of stress, try to remember it’s only temporary. Check out more John Frieda haircare tips for blonde hair here.

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